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LogosLamp Bible Screensavers 1.2

LogosLamp Bible Screensavers 1.2

LogosLamp Bible Screensavers Publisher's Description

LogosLamp is a screensaver program for use with LogosLite or LogosWord. It comes packaged with two screensavers as standard (the number of screensaver programs is extendible).

Both screensavers are useful for Bible text memorisation.

- Scroll is a Bible text screensaver which displays extracts (up to a chapter at a time) from the Bible randomly or in sequence on the screen. It can be used to display texts from any of the Bible's freely available on this website, or compatible modules produced by BibleMaker.

It's good to be reminded of the scriptures throughout the day, and the Scroll screensaver will do just that. Since you are able to select your own scriptures from the translation you choose, you can make your screensaver as topical or diverse as you like.

In these uncertain times, it is helpful to be reminded of texts like Psalm 91 and Psalm 23, Psalm 1 and Psalm 103, Deuteronomy 28 and many other comforting Bible texts full of rich promises.

- Quotes is a screensaver for displaying quotes (which you deposit in a textfile) on the screen.

Whilst LogosLamp's theme is biblical, Quotes can be used to display whatever you wish. It can also be used for memorisation purposes.

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